Manual tests
Manual testing plays a crucial role when knowledge modelling, offering numerous benefits that ensure the logic performs as intended. By manually testing each rule, authors can identify and rectify errors or inefficiencies early in the modelling process.
This hands-on approach allows for a deeper understanding of the behaviour in various scenarios, facilitating the fine-tuning of the logic for optimal performance. Furthermore, manual testing encourages a user-centric perspective, helping to identify areas where the user experience can be improved. Overall, incorporating manual testing into the knowledge modelling process leads to more reliable, efficient, and user-friendly outcomes.
With Quick Query, you are able to manually test your map after every change.
Using Quick Query
With your knowledge map open in the editor, select a relationship and click Run Query, or search for the relationship in the Navigator and click Run Query. When Quick Query loads, enter the appropriate subject or object based on the selected relationship and click Submit.
If Run Query is disabled, it means there are unsaved changes. Save your draft and try again.
For more information about querying with a subject, object or both check out the What is a query? page.
Questions and Answers
If your knowledge map is configured to ask questions then you will be shown relevant questions to answer before a result can be provided, complete with certainty and a link to the evidence tree.
Each time a question is asked, it will apply the question configuration that has been setup for the relationship that is being asked about. For example, enabling a user to skip will display a Skip button.
You can use the back button to go back to previous questions and change answers. When you have returned to the 1st question asked, you cannot go back to the query start screen.
Query result
Quick Query will display the subject, relationship, object and certainty for all result(s).
If no result is possible you will receive the message Sorry, I've been unable to find an answer to your question!
If an error has occurred you will receive a 400 error.
The Troubleshooting Tips provides helpful information to debug the these.
Session ID
Each query will start a new session by default. If you need to test the behaviour of making two or more queries in one session (where the 2nd query can use any data produced during the 1st query to arrive at a result faster) then the Session ID can be provided.
When making the 1st query, you can get the Session ID at any point by clicking the Copy Session ID button. At the beginning of running the 2nd query provide the Session ID before clicking Submit. Rather than starting a new session, it will reuse the one provided that already contains data produced from the first query.
Querying different versions of a knowledge map
In the editor you will always be working on your draft knowledge map. Using Quick Query will always use the latest draft by default (it's why it's important to have saved changes before querying the map).
If you have versioned your knowledge map and want to check the behaviour of it (perhaps it worked correctly and you've made a change that's broken the behaviour), you can open this version and query any relationship in exactly the same way.
Last updated