Question Configuration
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A relationship can be configured so that a question is asked when it requires data it does not have available, or alternatively questions can be turned off. There are 4 options for this property:
All - any of the questions will be asked, if appropriate to do so
Second form (Subject only) - the question seeking the subject of the relationship is the only question that would be asked
Second form (Object only) - the question seeking the object of the relationship is the only question that would be asked
None - No questions will be asked by this relationship
For those familiar with RBlang, this property is called Askable
in the code.
Changing this property will enable or disable other properties on the relationship so that only relevant properties are available to you. If you have changed the defaults for any of these properties and then turned questions off, the properties will become inactive, but the settings will not change. Therefore if you turn your questions back on, the custom settings will apply again.
If the relationship is configured to ask questions then one or all of the question text fields will be available to edit. Those that are disabled will not be asked.
Three questions might be asked per relationship.
If Rainbird thinks it knows both the subject and the object, but needs to confirm, it will ask a first form question, where the only answer is yes or no.
If it only knows about one side, then it will ask a second form question about the subject or about the object, depending on what data Rainbird is looking for.
Default question text is provided, but this can be updated with custom text. Formatting can also be applied to these questions using markdown.
Placeholders are displayed where the subject or object can be included in the question. These placeholders can be added by typing an opening bracket (
and selecting from the autocomplete dropdown that appears.
When a relationship is configured to ask questions, further question properties will be available to use.
Switching this on means an answer does not need to be provided and therefore an end-user can skip the question and the query will continue to run.
This can be seen running a query in the Studio where the agent will present a 'skip' button if enabled.
This is defaulted to off.
In RBlang this property is called AllowUnknown
Switching this on means a certainty factor (score of certainty out of 100) can be provided by the end-user when providing an answer and used by the reasoning engine to produce a decision with an adjusted level of certainty.
This can be seen running a query in the Studio where the agent will present a certainty slider if enabled.
This is defaulted to on.
In RBLang this property is called AllowCF.
This allows an end-user to add a custom answer where the available options do not include the answer they want to provide.
I.e. if someone was asked where they have lived and the knowledge map contained a list of 100 countries. The user may want to add additional countries that are not included in the knowledge map.
There are 4 options for this property to configure whether an end-user can add instances to the subject, object, all or none.
In RBlang this property is called CanAdd.
When refining the interaction for the end-user the question group property enables questions from multiple relationships to be asked and displayed at the same time. This can make it quicker and more efficient for the end-user to provide answers and receive a result.
Simply enter the same group name on each relationship you want to group questions for.
A group name can only be used on relationships that share the same subject. I.e. a concept of Person could have relationships of the person having an age, a date of birth, a spouse, a postcode. As all these would share the same subject (Person) a group name can be created that would ask all these questions together.
More than one question group name can be assigned by separating each group with a comma.
In RBLang this property is called Group.