Import/Export Knowledge Maps

A knowledge map can be exported and imported as a .rbird file. This ensures a portable copy of the knowledge map can be easily shared between accounts or users. This can help with:

  • sharing a copy for troubleshooting purposes

  • promoting a knowledge map into a different account (e.g. from a dev account to a test account)

  • saving in a company file store

Exporting a knowledge map

To export a knowledge map:

  1. make sure it is open in the Studio,

  2. click the knowledge map name,

  3. select Export.

This will download a .rbird file with the knowledge map name and version as the filename.

This above steps will export the version you are currently editing (the draft version).

If you want to export a specific version of the map, then you must:

  1. select Versions,

  2. Choose the desired version,

  3. click Export from the sub-header.

Exporting a knowledge map will export the following (for the selected version):

  • The knowledge map code

  • The layout of the graph

  • Any README information

The following is not included:

  • Any other versions

  • Automated tests

  • Agents

Importing a knowledge map

You can import a knowledge map into a brand new file or an existing one.

New file

  1. Open a new map

  2. Click Import from file

  3. Select the required .rbird file

This allows you to view the knowledge map without needing to saving it. If you want to run any queries, you must save it.

Update an existing file

You can import a .rbird file into an existing file, which will overwrite the draft. It is recommended to version your draft before overwriting it, to ensure you don't lose any work.

Importing into an existing map helps with the following:

  1. Troubleshooting: When you have exported a knowledge map for troubleshooting support (e.g. shared with Rainbird support) and the issue has been fixed and returned as a .rbird file. This fixed version can imported into the same file, preserving the Knowledge Map ID (important when integrated), previous versions, automated tests, agents etc.

  2. Deployment: When you have different accounts for Development, Testing and Production and you want to update the version in production without development changes. If you export a tested version from your test knowledge map you can import this it into the production knowledge map, version it then set it live. (as above, the Knowledge Map ID, previous version, automated tests and agents will be preserved)

To import a .rbird file into an existing knowledge map:

  1. Open the knowledge map you want to import into

  2. Version your existing draft so you don't lose any changes

  3. Click the knowledge map name

  4. Select Import

  5. Click Choose file

  6. Select the required file

  7. Click Import

  8. Once imported save the map

Last updated